The adventures of a small town Croatian family during the 1960s. The decade will leave eternal marks on all of their members, but most of the story focuses on the youngest one, a boy, Frula, who discovers the love and fashion of the time.
Luka Dragić
as Frula
Filip Ćurić
as young Frula
Ivo Gregurević
as Branko
Mirjana Rogina
as Nevenka
Dora Fišter Toš
as Hana
Vinko Brešan
as Udbaš
Katarina Fabičević
as Biba
Slavica Fila
as Slavica
Ivan Brkić
as Kartaš #1
Petar Cvirn
Tena Jeić Gajski
as Medicinska sestra
Goran Grgić
as Direktor