During the Vietnam War, Brian Anderson, a young Army medic, is stationed in Saigon. Initially apathetic and self-serving, he eventually has his heart won over by the children at a nearby orphanage where he does volunteer work. At first, a doctor named Katherine Cross has to persuade him to help the children. But soon, Brian willingly puts his career and safety on the line to provide the orphans with the food and medical supplies they need.
Dennis Christopher
as Brian Anderson
Susan Saint James
as Katherine Cross
Roger Aaron Brown
as Moses Drapper
Robert Englund
as Tripper
James Whitmore Jr.
as Major Flaherty
Lisa Lu
as Sister Marie
Shere Thu Thuy
as Sister Hoa
Travis Swords
as Allen Atkins
Mai Thi Lien
as Anh
Truong Minh Hai
as Duc
Ken Metcalfe
as Capt. Morris
Marie Ashton
as Peggy Dean