Young d'Artagnan comes to Paris to be a musketeer. There, he meets three old musketeers, members of the glorious King's Guard, but actually realizes that they are not the great fighters who he thinks they are. While joining the musketeers he is faced with the hidden plots of Cardinal Richelieu, his spy Milady de Winter, and a possible war against England.
Риналь Мухаметов
as д'Артаньян
Юрий Чурсин
as Атос
Алексей Макаров
as Портос
Павел Баршак
as Арамис
Екатерина Вилкова
as миледи
Анна Старшенбаум
as Констанция Бонасье
Василий Лановой
as кардинал Ришелье
Филипп Янковский
as Людовик XIII
Константин Лавроненко
as герцог Бекингэм
Мария Миронова
as Анна Австрийская
Владимир Зайцев
as Рошфор
Александр Лыков
as де Тревиль