The Hindu god Shiva gives a sacred mango fruit, brought by the sage Narada, to his elder son Vinayaka as a prize for outsmarting his younger brother Muruga in a competition. Angry with his father, Muruga leaves home for Palani. He meets Avvaiyar, one of his devotees, along the way. Despite her attempts to convince Muruga to return to Mount Kailash, he remains adamant about his decision to leave his family. His mother, the goddess Parvati, arrives there and tells the stories of four of Shiva's divine games to calm Muruga.
Sivaji Ganesan
as Lord Shiva in Different Disguises
R. Muthuraman
as Shenbaga Pandiyan
as Goddess Parvathi in Different Disguises
as Tharumi
as Kayarkanni's friend
T. S. Balaiah
as Hemanatha Bagavathar
as Wife of Shenbaga Pandiyan
T. R. Mahalingam
as Bana Battar
A. P. Nagarajan
as Natkeerar
S. V. Sahasranamam
as Kayarkanni's father
K. B. Sundarambal
as Avvaiyar
O. A. K. Thevar
as King Dhatchan