A magical adventure begins Once upon a time, within a vast and wild forest there was a fantastic Kingdom called Rodencia, a place where wonderful creatures and powerful wizards lived. It's the story of adventures and love of a small mouse called Edam, a clumsy magician's apprentice and the beautiful and confident mouse Brie, who will have to face many dangerous obstacles in order to obtain the power of the princess's tooth and defeat the troop of rats commanded by the evil Rotex who invades Rodencia (the peaceful kingdom of mice), in order to dominate them and take their treasure. In the middle of the forest; the magic of the light and the darkness, the love and resentment will face together. Edam and Rotex will fight and only one will leave victorious.
Hernán Bravo
as Edam
Natalia Rosminati
as Brie
Ricardo Alanís
as Roquefort
Enrique Porcellana
as Gruyere
Sergio Bermejo
as Rotex-Texor
Oswaldo Salas
as Blue / General Rat / Edam grandfather
Gonzalo Urtizberea
as Muzzarella
Marcelo Chirinos
as Provolone
José Luis Perticarini
as King
Maria Elena Molina
as Queen
Pedro Ruiz
as Rat Head