A brilliantly animated adaptation of the classic Christian story, 3 WISE MEN features the voices of Emilio Estevez, Martin Sheen, and Mexican television star Jaci Velasquez. Created by the same artists who animated FANTASIA 2000, HERCULES, and TARZAN, the family-friendly film artfully brings to life the journey of Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthazar--the Three Kings who traveled to baby Jesus' birthplace under the guidance of the Star of Bethlehem.
Juan Echanove
as Melchor (voz)
Jose Coronado
as Gaspar (voz)
Imanol Arias
as Baltasar (voz)
Ricardo Gómez
as Jimmy (voz)
José Sancho
as Alfredo (voz)
David Robles
as Tobías (voz)
Javier Gurruchaga
as Herodes (voz)
Iñaki Gabilondo
as Baruch (voz)
Mar Bordallo
as Sara (voz)
José Luis Angulo
as Belial (voz)
Pedro Tena Ramos
as Jefe de los bandidos (voz)
Jon Arias
as Midas (voz)