In this animated adventure The Doctor and Martha Jones trek through space and time in a race against the galaxy's greatest despot, Balthazar, to follow a complex trail of clues to discover the location of the legendary lost spaceship, the Infinite, which, according to myth, can grant anybody their heart's desire.
David Tennant
as The Doctor (voice)
Freema Agyeman
as Martha Jones (voice)
Anthony Stewart Head
as Baltazar (voice)
Toby Longworth
as Caw / Squawk (voice)
Liza Tarbuck
as Captain Kaliko (voice)
Tom Farrelly
as Swabb (voice)
Lizzie Hopley
as Mantasphid Queen (voice)
Paul Clayton
as Mergrass (voice)
Steven Meo
as Pilot Kelvin (voice)
Barney Harwood
as Control Voice (voice)
Stephen Greif
as Gurney (voice)
Dan Morgan
as Locke / Warders (voice)