The old actor dreams of a leading role for his young talented daughter. However, she is opposed by a powerful diva of the troupe with a terrible character and great connections. After a series of efforts of the characters and hilarious misunderstandings, the old man's dream come true.
Галина Федотова
as Лизонька
Михаил Козаков
as знатное лицо, граф Зефиров
Леонид Куравлёв
as князь Ветренский
Андрей Миронов
as Налимов, дирижер
Нонна Мордюкова
as Раиса Сурмилова, премьерша
Олег Табаков
as Борзиков
Роман Ткачук
as камердинер Борзикова
Пётр Щербаков
as Пустославцев
Николай Трофимов
as Лев Гурыч Синичкин