Based on the true story of the notorious Marquis de Sade. In 18th century Paris, an innocent beauty's search for her missing sister leads her into the deadly sensuous realm of the infamous Marquis de Sade. Imprisoned for his sordid crimes, the Marquis likewise has the beauty morally trapped... for she must help him complete his banned book of lust, or never learn the fate of her sister. It becomes a test of wills and wit, as the Marquis attempts to convert her to his deviously sexual philosophy. When the Marquis escapes his prison, she must follow him to his remote chateau of sin to finally discover her sister's fate, and to face her own.
Nick Mancuso
as Marquis de Sade
Janet Gunn
as Justine
John Rhys-Davies
as Inspector Marais
Charlotte Nielsen
as Juliette
Ирина Малышева
as Madame de Montreuil
Александр Белявский
as judge de Baury
Игорь Ясулович
as father Paul
Ирина Низина
as Rennes
Татьяна Митрушина
as madam de Flaureville
Александр Резалин
as Latour
Михаил Шевчук
Татьяна Новик
as Rose