The story of an Olympic high jumper, played by Brent Carver, who loses his leg and yet doggedly persists in his pursuit of athletic glory. Released a year before Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope, this made-for-Canadian-TV movie, which also stars Sex and the City's Kim Cattrall, has been described as a tear-jerker.
Brent Carver
as Aaron Kornylo
Kim Cattrall
as Katie Barlow
John Ireland
as Miles Kornylo
Kate Reid
as Clare Kornylo
Murray Westgate
as Carver
Sean Sullivan
as Wallace
Jan MuszyĆski
as Greg Dubois
Sara Botsford
as Tricia
Larry Reynolds
as George Hayman
Tom Butler
as Steve Catlow
Steve Pernie
as Rainfeld
Peter Krantz
as Langely