This teenage drama deals with the emotional chaos of a high school graduate at the beginning of a new period of his life. 19-year-old Daniel is frustrated: he wants his great love Luca to be the "first" woman in his life, but she seems to be unreachable, so he is still a virgin. During his community service as a male nurse, his boss Anna falls in love with him and they finally have sex. Suddenly Luca is interested in Daniel...
Daniel Brühl
as Daniel
Jessica Schwarz
as Luca
Marie-Lou Sellem
as Anna
Denis Moschitto
as Dennis
Josef Heynert
as Axel
Sonja Rogusch
as Maria
Gerd Croll
as Opa Bröcking
Ellis Heiden
as Frau Grieger
Sebastian Rüger
as Lollek
Rolf Kanies
as Daniels Vater