In an urban Indian city, A struggling actor battles for his career, but his friend who loses money in a scam deal commits an action that puts both of their lives in danger. The three last days before the incident follows the struggling actor, an ambitious filmmaker, a wannabe hustler, an opportunist, a lover and two cinephile thugs, through an inter-twining vignette of their lives.
Vinay Forrt
as Sidth
Rony David Raj
as Dr. Roy
Jinu Joseph
as Filmmaker
Rohini Miriam idicula
as Reporter
Tony Luke
as Tony
Ahamed Shaheen
as Richie
സാബുമോൻ അബ്ദുസമദ്
as Luttu
Shani Shaki
as Plan-B
Suraj Ramakrishnan
as Fixer
franko manjilla
as Franko