Tells the story of one day in the lives of the various people who populate a police detective squad. An embittered cop, Det. Jim McLeod, leads a precinct of characters in their grim daily battle with the city's lowlife. The characters who pass through the precinct over the course of the day include a young petty embezzler, a pair of burglars, and a naive shoplifter.
Kirk Douglas
as Det. James McLeod
Eleanor Parker
as Mary McLeod
William Bendix
as Det. Lou Brody
Cathy O'Donnell
as Susan Carmichael
George Macready
as Karl Schneider
Horace McMahon
as Lt. Monaghan
Gladys George
as Miss Hatch
Joseph Wiseman
as Charley Gennini
Lee Grant
as Shoplifter
Gerald Mohr
as Tami Giacoppetti
Frank Faylen
as Det. Gallagher
Craig Hill
as Arthur Kindred