Rahul embarks on a journey to a small town in Tamil Nadu to fulfill the last wish of his grandfather: to have his ashes immersed in the Holy water of Rameshwaram. En route, he meets a woman hailing from a unique family down South. As they find love through this journey in the exuberant lands of South India, an unanticipated drive awaits them.
Shah Rukh Khan
as Rahul Mithaiwala
Deepika Padukone
as Meenamma Lochini Azhagusundaram
Nikitin Dheer
as Tangaballi
as Aunt
as Durgeshwara Azhagusundaram
Mukesh Tiwari
as Inspector Shamsher
Kamini Kaushal
as Rahul's grandmother
Lekh Tandon
as Rahul's grandfather
Rakesh Kukreti
as Rahul's friend
as Special Appearance in "1 2 3 4 Get on the Dance Floor" Song
Delhi Ganesh
as Villager
Mohan Raman
as Temple priest