This animated adventure goes back in time to the Care Bears' first-ever Caring Mission, when True Heart Bear and Noble Heart Horse touch down on Earth to boost the spirits of some unhappy kids at summer camp. But the evil Dark Heart has other plans, and convinces one of the campers to help him capture the Care Bears. Will our lovable heroes' Care Stare be enough to vanquish the villain -- and convince his apprentice that good's the way to go?
Hadley Kay
as Dark Heart / The Boy (voice)
Chris Wiggins
as Great Wishing Star (voice)
Cree Summer
as Christy (voice)
Alyson Court
as Dawn (voice)
Michael Fantini
as John (voice)
Sunny Besen Thrasher
as Camp Champ (voice)
Maxine Miller
as True Heart Bear (voice)
Pam Hyatt
as Noble Heart Horse (voice)
Dan Hennessey
as Brave Heart Lion (voice)
Billie Mae Richards
as Tender Heart Bear (voice)
Eva Almos
as Friend Bear (voice)
Bob Dermer
as Grumpy Bear (voice)