Set in Dubrovnik, this drama chronicles a friendship between three men, that began just before World War II. One of the men is of Italian origin, another is the wealthy heir of a shipping fortune, and the third is the son of a Jewish antique-store owner. Before the war, they are fast friends, enjoying one another's company at carnivals and at a private fencing club. However, when the war comes, the Italians and Germans move in to create the Independent State of Croatia. The Italian friend becomes a fascist and courts and marries the sister of his rich friend. Soon enough, atrocities are being committed, and anyone suspected of Jewish or Serbian parentage or anti-fascist leanings, is killed.
Frano Lasić
as Niko
Milan Štrljić
as Toni
Tanja Poberžnik
as Ane
Boris Kralj
as Baldo
Ivan Klemenc
as Miho
Gordana Pavlov
as Mara
Stevo Žigon
as Hubička
Bert Sotlar
as Stijepo
Marija Kohn
as Luce
Karlo Bulić
as Pasko
Zvonko Lepetić
as Gavran
Milan Erak
as Maraš