The lives of Ted and Marion Cole are thrown into disarray when their two adolescent sons die in a car wreck. Marion withdraws from Ted and Ruth, the couple's daughter. Ted, a well-known writer, hires as his assistant a student named Eddie, who looks oddly similar to one of the Coles' dead sons. The couple separate, and Marion begins an affair with Eddie, while Ted has a dalliance with his neighbor Evelyn.
Jeff Bridges
as Ted Cole
Kim Basinger
as Marion Cole
Jon Foster
as Eddie O'Hare
Mimi Rogers
as Evelyn Vaughn
Elle Fanning
as Ruth Cole
Bijou Phillips
as Alice
Larry Pine
as Intervistatore
John Rothman
as Minty O'Hare
Harvey Loomis
as Dr. Loomis
Libby Langdon
as donna alla Reception
Louis Arcella
as Eduardo Gomez
Robert LuPone
as Mendelssohn