Despite negative psychological evaluations, Mike Wong is assigned as the captain of the SDU, a special task force linked to the Customs Department. Their mission: apprehend nasty drug dealers, led by the “Ice Queen.” To do this, Mike has to team up with customs cop Minnie. Despite their clashes, the two learn to understand each other, but not before things get bad.
Michael Wong
as Officer Don Wong
as Inspector Minnie Kwan
as Inspector Lau
Fung Lee
as Madam Katie Ngan
as Sue
Joseph Cheung Man-Kwong
as Joe Chueng
Kim Yip Kwong-Kim
as Forensics tech
Stephen Chan Tak-Gwong
as Insp. Lau
Woo Wai-Chung
as Thai crack dealer
as Thai crack dealer
Winston Ellis
as Vincent
Brian Banowetz
as Albert