Strange Parallel is a documentary/short film revolving around the American singer/songwriter Elliott Smith. The film features interviews with Elliott himself as well as fans, friends and other acquaintances of his (including Gus Van Sant, Larry Crane, and the members of Quasi). The film also includes snippets of Elliott Smith performing as well as footage of him recording an unreleased song, "Brand New Game". The film sometimes moves out of reality, with acted-out, metaphorical sequences that involve Elliott considering purchasing a mechanical hand (a "robot hand" ) to improve his music.
Elliott Smith
as Self
Gus Van Sant
as Self
Sam Coomes
as Self
Janet Weiss
as Self
Sean Croghan
as Drill Sergeant
Larry Crane
as Self
Joanna Bolme
as Self
Amber Strom
as Self
Dave England
as Devil
Rossie Harris
as Robot Hand Salesman
Sasha Fuentes
as Robot Hand Salesman
Marne Lucas
as Self