The story of three boys who, fascinated with seventh art magic, decide to escape from their remote village straight to Hollywood. In the same time, a local policeman frantically organizes a reception for the president of the state. His "strictly controlled" citizens, under the influence of events in Cuba, in 1962. start dividing in two parties, resolved to succeed where Khruschev and J.F.K. have failed.
Branislav Lečić
as Gavrilo
Bogdan Diklić
as Živadin
Ljubiša Samardžić
as Limijer
Vesna Stanojević
as Ruža
Neda Arnerić
as Natalija
Velimir Živojinović
as Mrgud
Branislav 'Ciga' Jerinić
as Spasoje
Slobodan Ćustić
as Nikola
Dragoslav 'Dragan' Nikolić
as Aldo
Vesna Čipčić
as Učiteljica
Milutin 'Mima' Karadžić
as Globus
Danilo Lazović
as Brica