Adapted from a popular 'three dime novel' the story revolves around two down-and-out buddies, one streetwise and quick-witted the other naïve and kind-hearted. This oddball duo go through up and downs and eventually get their break in life.
as Chow Yat-Ching 周日清
Patrick Tse Yin
as Ng Jui-Choi 吴聚财
as Tang Sau-Ying 邓秀莹
Kong Suet
as Tsui Lam 徐琳
Keung Chung-Ping
as Tam Fung 谭枫
as Tam Fung's wife 谭枫妻
as Ho Kin 贺健
Tong Kim-Ting
as Mr. Yau (Landlord) 包租公
Lee Yuet-Ching
as Mrs. Yau (Landlord's wife) 包租婆
Lee Pang-Fei
as Tang Sau Ying's Boss 大肥佬
Lee Keng-Ching
Go Chiu
as Waiter 侍仔