American Pastime tells a poignant story set against the Japanese-American internment camps during World War II. Rounded up and uprooted from their everyday lives, they remained loyal to the United States and ironically turned to that most American of sports - baseball - as a way to deal with their plight.
Gary Cole
as Billy Burrell
Leonardo Nam
as Lane Nomura
Aaron Yoo
as Lyle Nomura
as Kaz Nomura
as Emi Nomura
Jon Gries
as Ed Tully
Susanna Thompson
as Shirley Burrell
Seth Sakai
as Nori Morita
Sarah Drew
as Katie Burrell
Olesya Rulin
as Cathy Reyes
Carleton Bluford
as Lester Johnson
Sami Roe
as Jimmy Gomey