The year: 3037. Earth is at war with aliens called Mendax, who have remarkable mental abilities and are determined to wipe out humankind. In retaliation, a military team is sent to the Mendax homeworld. Their mission: To deliver the Devorga Strain, a powerful virus engineered to attack the Mendax immune system, exterminating them from their planet. One of the team members is terribly injured when their ship crash lands on the Mendax homeworld. Will they leave a member of their team behind, or risk being slowed by the burden? When the secret of Homeworld is discovered, they must find the truth within themselves or all is lost. But how can you learn the truth when everything you see and feel may be an illusion?
Beau Ballinger
as Lieutenant Gray
Bronston DeLone
as Corporal Hart
Vance Harvey
as Captain Dolen
Galen Howard
as Isaac
Larissa Kasian
as Sergeant Fulsom
Kenneth Sears
as Doctor Bayne
David Velasquez
as The Colonist