When Captain Kidd is reprieved from the gallows by a greedy nobelman who wants to know the location of his buried treasure, he sets off across the seven seas with faithful slave girl Eva Gabor in tow.
Anthony Dexter
as Capt. William Kidd
Eva Gabor
as Judith Duvall
Alan Hale Jr.
as Jay Simpson
James Seay
as Bellomont
Richard Karlan
as Capt. Avery
Noel Cravat
as L'ollinaise
Lyle Talbot
as Capt. Pace
Sonia Sorel
as Anne Bonney
Michael Ross
as Blackbeard
Jack Reitzen
as Bartholomew
Robert Long
as Calico Jack
William Cottrell
as Roberts (as Bill Cottrell)