In 5th Century Britian, a young Merlin struggles for his place in his known land under the tutelage of The Mage, a local wizard whom sees the young man's potential for magic, as well as face off against his evil former friend, Vendiger, whom plots with a feudal warlord king to conquer all of Britian using an army of flying dragons, and only Merlin with the alliance of the local Prince Uther and Ingraine and a pair of mystical goddesses, can have the power to stop the evil from taking over the land.
Nia Ann
as Lady Nimue
Ceri Bostock
as Gwyneth
Simon Lloyd-Roberts
as Merlin
Hefin Wyn
as King Vortigen
Jürgen Prochnow
as The Mage
Carys Eleri
as Lady Viviane
Iona Thonger
as Ingraine
Joseph Stacey
as Vendiger
Dylan Jones
as Uther
William Huw
as Torm
Gary Twomey
as King Eringar
Dylan Thomas
as Ambrosis