The group of fourteen contestants from the television program "Big Brother" becomes a privileged witness to the most extraordinary event that the austere region of Extremadura has experienced in its history. Charred remains of what doesn't look like a man-made ship float in a hotel pool. And at night, a thunderous noise and a light that invades everything prevents them from sleeping.
Ismael Beiro
as Ismael
Cari Antón
as Road Manager
Marta Belenguer
as Relaciones Públicas del Hotel de Monfragüe
Paco Hernández
as Comandante
Jorge Casalduero
Jaroslaw Bielski
as Astronauta ruso
Jorge Galeano
Alejandro Naranjo
as Recepcionista
Pietro Olivera
Pepa Pedroche
Iván Armesto
as Iván
Elena Freigedo
as Representante