An invasion alien threatens the fate of humanity and begins in a village where there are Bill Johnson, John West and Max Giggs. The friends escape from there with the purpose of finding and destroying the invading ship before it completes its evil plan of conquest.
Hernán Sáez
as Max Giggs
Berta Muñiz
as John West
Pablo Parés
as Bill Johnson
Paulo Soria
as Junior / Cliente 2 / Zombie espada #2
Walter Cornás
as Jack J. Taylor / Zombie cagado
Diego Parés
as Willy Boxer
Esteban Podetti
as Agent James Dana
Pablo Payó
as Agent David Fox
Dan Trugman
as Conductor TV
Mad Crampi
as Punk #1
Daniel de la Vega
as Punk #2
Laura Casabé
as Punk #3