Ismini is in her early 30s. She is cultivated, delicate, sensitive and... emotionally handicapped. She has developed a simplistic system of defense to protect her emotions: no one is to come near. It is exactly the moment when this collapses that unsophisticated, simple, impolite, aggressive and greatly passionate Haris appears in her life.
Βάσω Καβαλιεράτου
as Ismini
Μάκης Παπαδημητρίου
as Haris
Γιάννης Τσορτέκης
as Mihalis
Σοφία Σεϊρλή
as Mum, Ismini
Stavroula Logothettis
as Mum, Panos
Γεωργία Τσαγκαράκη
as Liza
Ναταλία Στυλιανού
as Sister - Ismini
Μελέτης Γεωργιάδης
as Spiros
Ανδρέας Κοντόπουλος
as Pavlos
Δονάτος Τάτσης
as Panos
Φωτεινή Κοντουδάκη
as Eleni
Εύη Εμμανουήλ
as singer