Follows the fate of Lyle, a violent adolescent who, in lieu of prison, is placed in a juvenile mental institution where he encounters a group of equally troubled teens. This motley crew - abused, sexually confused, violent, and yet hanging on by their grit and anger - becomes Lyle's last lifeline as he fights to find meaning in a world that seems to defy understanding.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
as Lyle
Don Cheadle
as Dr. David Monroe
Zooey Deschanel
as Tracy
Michael Bacall
as Chad
Elden Henson
as Michael
Cody Lightning
as Kenny
Sara Rivas
as Sara
William Richert
as Diego
Blayne Weaver
as Charlie
Maggie Baird
as Rebecca
Roxie Fuller
as Roxie
Van Epperson
as Night Staff