The musical tells the story of Elisabeth ("Sissi"), the Empress of Austria, from her engagement and marriage in 1854 to her murder in 1898 at the hands of the Italian anarchist Luigi Lucheni, through the lens of her growing obsession with Death as her marriage and her empire crumble around her at the turn of the century.
Maya Hakvoort
as Elisabeth, Kaiserin von Österreich
Máté Kamarás
as Der Tod, Elisabeths Liebhaber
André Bauer
as Kaiser Franz Joseph, Elisabeths Mann
Serkan Kaya
as Luigi Lucheni
Fritz Schmid
as Rudolf
Johann Ebert
as Rudolf (young)
Else Ludwig
as Sophie
Dennis J. Kozeluh
as Max
Luzia Nistler
as Ludovika / Frau Wolf
Kerstin Ibald
as Gräfin Esterhazy