For the past two months, we dedicated out lives to documenting the life of Sam. Every human on a day to day basis encounters a "Sam", a peculiar somewhat unpredictable seemingly valueless person, and what you would probably refer to as "douchebag" or "arrogant prick". We found ourselves unknowingly siding with society until we took the time to really observe and realize the childhood trauma and drug abuse that contributed to creating this flawed but valuable human being.
Daniel James Wilson
as Sam
Alex Wilson
as Neil
Devon Whitney
as Savannah
Ryan Eatherton
as Malcolm
Lea Trainor
as Kim
Drew Wilson
as Young Baller
Zach Macintyre
as Mac
Alijah Paris
as Alijah
David Miropolsky
as Marcus & Rodney
JJ Wilson
as Aux
John McGrath
as Doc
Braeden Ledder
as Jon