"End of the Spear" is the story of Mincayani, a Waodani tribesman from the jungles of Ecuador. When five young missionaries, among them Jim Elliot and Nate Saint, are speared to death by the Waodani in 1956, a series of events unfold to change the lives of not only the slain missionaries' families, but also Mincayani and his people.
Louie Leonardo
as Mincayani
Chad Allen
as Nate Saint / Steve Saint / Narrator
Jack Guzman
as Kimo
Chase Ellison
as Young Steve Saint
Sylvia Jefferies
as Barbara Youderian
Christina Souza
as Dayumae
Chemo Mepaquito
as Gikita
Ninabet Bedoya
as Gimade
Sara Kathryn Bakker
as Rachel Saint
Cara Stoner
as Marj Saint
Beth Bailey
as Elisabeth Elliot
Muse Watson
as Adolfo