RAW Comedy Club turns 20 and this is celebrated with a grand stand-up show in the Avicii Arena. Several of Sweden's most beloved comedians take the stage, including Måns Möller, Özz Nujen, Babben Larsson, Elina Du Rietz, Messiah Hallberg and others, to offer a great comedy show. Over 11,000 in the audience have a hard time keeping from laughing in what is the biggest stand-up show, so far, in Sweden.
Magnus Betnér
as Self
Babben Larsson
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Måns Möller
as Self
Özz Nûjen
as Self
Hasse Brontén
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Messiah Hallberg
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Elina Du Rietz
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Mårten Andersson
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Nisse Hallberg
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Thanos Fotas
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Josefine Sonck
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