A capricious young man, named Sean, struggles to find how to continue with his life after losing his best friend to suicide. During his attempt for closure, Sean finds himself becoming overly-attached to his now-dead best friend's mother. After being romantically-rejected by her, Sean spirals down and finds himself in an ever-lasting manic episode.
Nicolas Guerrero
as Carlos
Karo Dzhgalian
as Sean
Sal Rodriguez
as Sean's Father
Chuck Hand
as Dr. Erickson
Trinity Medina
as Maria
Eileen Avalos
as Esmerelda
Viviana Castro
as Alison
Miriam Randolph
as Jacuzzi Party Guest 1
Sakina Mustafa
as Jacuzzi Party Guest 2
Sebastian Slaughter
as Bathroom Line Party Guest
Dylan Ginez
as Zachary
Ryan Scot
as Police Officer