As the Autobots live their peaceful lives on Earth, Jhiaxus does everything in his power to bring the Cybertronian race into an era of innovation. With an army of immortal 2nd Generations at his disposal, Jhiaxus plans to assimilate every last 1st Generation, Autobot and Decepticon alike. The Autobots have no choice but to get back into the fight and stop Jhiaxus before it's too late.
as Optimus Prime
harryalpha scrapper
as Jhiaxus
Jack Nasser
as Bumblebee
as Hot Rod
as Ratchet
Jack Nasser
as Brawn
Epsilonus Studios YT
as Blitzwing
Chrithmuth Wolf
as Ironhide
Chrithmuth Wolf
as Knockout
as Bludgeon
as Drift
harryalpha scrapper
as Cliffjumper