Destroy All Humans is a documentary exploring AI’s rise in art and media through an existential, experimental lens. At its center is HOVERBORG, a fictional band whose AI-generated music sparked questions about creativity and authenticity. Through interviews with musicians, artists, and media professionals, the film reflects on the unsettling shift toward hyperpersonalized media and asks: In a world shaped by algorithms, will we still recognize ourselves in the art we consume?
George Nicholas
as Narrator
Hamdija Ajanovic
as Self
Lauren Hemphill
as Self
Tessa Morrison
as Self
Dan Mercer
as Self
CJ Morgan
as Self
Jonny Wonderland
as Self
Marguerite Zamora
as Self
Kelli Horan
as Hoverborg bass player
Erika Krenn
as Hoverborg lead singer
Melissa Sapienza
as Hoverborg drummer