The Last 12 Days is the third installment in The 12 Days Saga, a heartfelt trilogy by Filipino filmmaker CJ Santos. This emotionally gripping drama centers on Camille and Daniel, a young couple navigating the complexities of love and illness. As Daniel faces a life-threatening health crisis, their relationship is pushed to its limits, exposing their deepest fears and vulnerabilities while highlighting the unbreakable strength of their connection.
Mary Joy Apostol
as Camille Mendoza
Akihiro Blanco
as Daniel Del Rosario
as Twinkle
Andres Balano
as Mang Empot
Hasna Cabral
as Jill
Ella Calderon
as Karen San Jose
Stanley Chi
as Self
James Deakin
as Miguel Mendoza
Nel Estuya
as Mang Balot
Veronica Gualberto
as Giselle