This thriller/drama follows a a suburban lawyer, down a ruinous, blood-covered road. The trouble begins when he tires of life in the slow lane and suggests that he and his wife should join a swinging couple's club and do a little spouse swapping. But then he begins suspecting that the wife is having too much fun with the other swingers
James R. Sweeney
as Charlie Tishman
Jan Mitchell
as Amy Tishman
Gary Kent
as Jim Simon
Philip Luther
as Jerry Morton
Marsha Jordan
as Irene Simon
Richard Stobie
as Sgt. Richards
Russ Marin
as Sgt. Harry Morris
Ann Perry
as Donna Morton
Rene Bond
as Diane Stacy
Ron Darby
as Bill Stacey
Paul Oberon
as Rod Lewis
Mickey Nader
as Marge Lewis