An Original Documentary Film that explores 4 unique haunted hot spots including a Gothic Haunted House, America's Oldest Lighthouse, Ryholite Ghost Town, Nevada and a haunted Train Museum. With Mark Hall-Patton from "Pawn Stars"
Mark Hall Patton
as Historian
Dr. Heather Landon
as Paranormal Investigator
Richard Stevens
as Ryholite Caretaker
Janet Krawczyk
as Paranormal Investigator
Mathew W. Anderson
as Museum Caretaker
David LaFleur
as Paranormal Investigator
Ryan Krawczyk
as Paranormal Investigator
Rosemarie LaFleur
as Paranormal Investigator
Josh Landon
as Paranormal Investigator
Aidan Landon
as Paranormal Investigator
Tony Michalki
as Podcast Host
Josh Cobbs
as Podcast Host