Beautiful is a 2011 Indian Malayalam musical drama thriller film written by Anoop Menon and directed by V. K. Prakash. The film stars Jayasurya, Anoop Menon and Meghana Raj in the lead roles. The cinematography was by Jomon T. John and the music was composed by Ratheesh Vegha. It tells the story about the intense bonding of two friends, one quadriplegic and other a musician. The film released on 2 December 2011 to predominantly positive reviews
as Stephen Louis
Anoop Menon
as John
Meghana Raj
as Anjali/Annie
Tini Tom
as Alex
Aparna Nair
as Meera
as Kamalu
Unni Menon
as Peter
as Doctor
Kochu Preman
as Alex's uncle
Ponnamma Babu
as Alex's aunt
Joju George
as Althaf
Ammu Venugopal
as John's sister