When The Thief’s partner is kidnapped after stealing millions in cash from a merciless drug lord named Nushi, he reluctantly teams up with an angst-ridden orphan to rescue him. Nushi enlists her most trusted hitman, The Cowboy, a lovable charmer who’s quick with his guns, to track down the Thief. Guns, cars, and explosions will give the newfound partners a head start, but how long will they be able to keep it up?
James Clayton
as The Thief
Lou Diamond Phillips
as The Cowboy
Fei Ren
as Nushi
Lee Majdoub
as Sly
Alisha Ahamed
as Ravi
Philip Granger
as Vic
James Hutson
as Don
Elan Ross Gibson
as Mrs. Murphy
Suleiman Abutu
as Tom
Michael Matic
as Justin
Tefari Thompson
as Dino
Bradley Stryker
as Punk