A short movie based on Jhumpa Lahiri's short story about a married couple, Baskara and Samantha whose their relationship is on edge. Taking advantage of a four-day power outage, they talk to each other about secrets they were previously kept in the dark, hoping that their relationship will be better.
Chandra Imanuddin Genjaler
as Baskara
Nabila Fitriani
as Samantha
Akhdan Mu'tashim
as Radhika
Ardi Nur Rizky Azis
as Aditya
Novia Rahmadhani
as Aditya's Wife
Amatullah Husnun Nada
as News Anchor
Robith Khoiril Umam
as Doctor
Fransiska Dina Rachmanda
as Property Agent