Gennaro, the son of Lucretia Borgia, lives unaware of the identity of his mother, who has married the Duke of Ferrara. After Lucretia's brother is killed by five conspirators, the fathers of Gennaro's dearest friends, Lucretia tortures the old men to death. Later, Gennaro and his companions journey to Lucretia's domain, and she sees her son for the first time. The Duke, who believes him to be her lover, poisons him, but Lucretia administers the antidote in time and saves his life. Then she schemes to poison her sons' five friends for their fathers' mistake.
Florence Reed
as Lucretia Borgia
William E. Shay
as The Duke of Ferrara
Stephen Grattan
as Lucretia's Brother
Richard Barthelmess
as Gennaro
Alex Shannon
as Rustighello
A.G. Parker
as Maffio
M.J. Briggs
as Astolpo
Edward Thorne
as Jeppo
Elmer Patterson
as Liverretto
Tony Merlo
as Petrucci
Henry Armetta
as The Jester
William Welsh
as Gubetta