This documentary follows a group of filmmakers on a journey to capture the unique experiences of the Enlightenment Academy's gap year program in Sudbury, Ontario. The project was initiated by Bach Van Dyke, a self-proclaimed world-famous actor, director, producer, and model, who enlisted the help of a small team to bring his vision to life. Despite Van Dyke's larger-than-life persona, the documentary offers a more grounded perspective on the program and its participants. Viewers can expect to encounter a colorful cast of characters, including Dr. Raymond Cism, a social media-savvy health doctor, and the program's students, Sheen, Jake, and Butch.
Bach Van Dyke
as Self
Raymond Cism
as Self
Jake Aksle
as Self
Sherman Dingles
as Self
Butch Jankins
as Self
Suzy Lubarb
as Self
Kevin Van Dyke
as Kevin
Sheen Wallace
as Self
Simone Wheeler
as Self