Zizo, a radical and anarchist poet living in a marginal quarter of Recife in the north eastern state of Pernambuco, distributes his social angst-filled thoughts through a publication named Febre do Rato, and spews poetry to anyone who’d listen. Our character always revolves within the universe that he has created around himself. A very particular world, in which satisfying the unfortunate is a mixture of a kind of benefit with high dose of malice.
Irandhir Santos
as Zizo
Matheus Nachtergaele
as Pazinho
Nanda Costa
as Eneida
Conceição Camaroti
as Dona Anja
Tânia Granussi
as Vanessa
Maria Gladys
as Stella Maris
Ângela Leal
as Dona Marieta
Juliano Cazarré
as Boca Mole
Mariana Nunes
as Rosângela
Vitor Araújo
as Oncinha
Hugo Gila
as Bira
Jones Melo
as Amigo Urso