Cameo Kirby is a 1914 American drama silent film directed by Oscar Apfel and written by Clara Beranger and William C. deMille. The film stars Dustin Farnum, Fred Montague, James Neill, Jode Mullally, Winifred Kingston and Dick La Reno. It is based on the play Cameo Kirby by Booth Tarkington and Harry Leon Wilson. The film was released on December 24, 1914, by Paramount Pictures.
Dustin Farnum
as 'Cameo' Kirby
Winifred Kingston
as Adele Randall
James Neill
as John Randall
Fred Montague
as Colonel Moreau
Jode Mullally
as Tom Randall
Dick La Reno
as Larkin Bunce
Ernest Joy
as Aaron Randall