A young boy named “MK”, who is obsessed with the old legends, discovers Monkey King’s staff that was left on top of a hill to imprison the Demon Bull King. After Demon Bull King is released, MK must go on a journey of self-discovery to become the hero this generation needs. Through trial and tribulation, MK will discover new powers, responsibilities and ways of defeating the villains in this futuristic world.
Steve Blum
as Demon Bull King(voice)
David Chen
as Mr. Tang(voice)
Jack De Sena
as MK(voice)
Kyle McCarley
as Red Son(voice)
Dave B. Mitchell
as Pigsy(voice)
Sean Schemmel
as Monkey King(voice)
Patrick Seitz
as Sandy(voice)
Stephanie Sheh
as Mei(voice)
Gwendoline Yeo
as Princess Iron Fan(voice)