In a tragic turn of events, a young girl becomes an unintended victim of a heinous act committed by a group of rogue law enforcement agents. As her death remains shrouded in darkness, a relentless force seeks justice for her untimely demise. Haunted by guilt and fear, the rogue cops realize they are being pursued by an unknown force, feeling the weight of their collective responsibility for the girl's death. As the pursuit intensifies, the line between reality and nightmare blurs, plunging them into a world where justice takes a deadly and supernatural form.
Costas Mandylor
as Bill Johnson
Orlando Charvetto
as Anderson
Martin Nuza
as Sally's Father
Nigel Canepa
as Casey
Karl Latin
as Green
Peter Mckay
as Edwards
Rebecca Davis
as Street Hooker
Harriet Seed
as Amelia Johnson
Cecilia Pilcher
as Eve Johnson
Will Cottrell
as Forensic Officer #2
Garth Brownbridge
as Harris
Chris Peach
as Dealer