The three heroes have a feat according to the schedule every day. You will have to investigate the theft of the princely crown, then rescue friends from the magical world of dreams, then the Horse Julius and Alyosha will clash in an epic battle of wits. There are no small adventures, and our heroes are not small.
Олег Куликович
as Алёша Попович
Валерий Соловьёв
as Добрыня Никитич
Дмитрий Быковский-Ромашов
as Илья Муромец
Сергей Маковецкий
as Князь
Дмитрий Высоцкий
as Конь Юлий
Лия Медведева
as Любава
Мария Цветкова-Овсянникова
as Алёнушка
Анатолий Петров
as Антип / Тихон / Бекет
Юлия Зоркина
Яков Культиасов
as Глашатй / Гонец