A female commissar is sent to the naval detachment, led by the anarchist Vozhak, on behalf of the Party Central Committee. She is tasked with subordinating the sailors to the cause of the revolution.
Руфина Нифонтова
as комиссар
Mikhail Tsaryov
as вожак
Viktor Korshunov
as Алексей
Владимир Кенигсон
as Сиплый
Vitaliy Konyaev
as Вайнонен
Gennadiy Sergeev
as Рябой
Prov Sadovsky
as командир
Nikolai Ryzhov
as боцман
Dmitri Pavlov
as старый матрос
Валентин Ткаченко
as высокий матрос
Nikita Podgornyj
as 1-й пленный офицер
Аркадий Смирнов
as 2-й пленный офицер